Welcome to
Rep "AA" Baseball Registration
Westlock Minor Ball is excited to once again have Competitive (AA) Baseball!
The “AA” team would be designed for players with above average ability, and a strong commitment to compete at a higher level. The major objective will be player development through fair participation by all players on the team up to Provincial round robins, meaning commitment is crucial. Participation on a rep team implies additional commitments on behalf of the players and the parents. The major commitments are time, travel, higher fees and other financial obligations including fundraising initiatives. A greater emphasis would be placed on skill development, and coaches at this level are required to possess additional training and certifications not required at the house league level. Practices would likely occur twice per week on weeknights, with games every second weekend starting early May to the End of July, as scheduled by Baseball Alberta. Some games are scheduled during the week, depending on the distance teams must travel. Rep teams also play all of July and sometimes into August, the length of time depends on the success of the team as it advances through to Provincial Championships etc.
Players of the designated birth years would have to try out and the team will be picked based upon the player's age category, direct observation of demonstrated skill, development potential, perceived dedication to the program/coaches and various other factors.
13U AA and 15U AA Baseball will wear different jerseys this season. Please wait for more information to come.
With this new endeavor comes challenges, learning curves, and growth. Please be patient, respectful and understanding as we all tackle this new venture.
If you have questions, please reach out to Chris at president@westlockminorball.com
Registration Opens
February 3rd, ending March 22nd.
**13UAA and 15UAA Registration Closes March 15th**
Potential tryouts, depending on registration numbers. More information to come.
If registration numbers require tryouts and some players are not placed on the AA team, they will have the opportunity to join the House League team. In that case, the difference in fees will be refunded.
Etransfer will be available for the 2025 season for registration fees. Please e transfer to westlockmba@hotmail.com. Please ensure you note your Player Name, and Division in the note for your e transfer. EXAMPLE: Joe Doe - 11U Baseball
KidSport and Jump Start Financial Assistance is available for those who wish to apply. Visit https://kidsportcanada.ca/ and https://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/pages/individual-child-grants for more information.
Registration Fees:
13UAA – Birth years 2012/2013 - $400.00
15UAA - Birth years 2010/2011 - $425.00
Practice Times, Dates and Loactions TBD